Τρίτη 18 Νοεμβρίου 2008

μήπως η συνθήκη του Κυότο είναι μάταιη και απλά ένα πολιτικό κατασκεύασμα;

Will kyoto`s greenhouse reduction goals be in vain?

Climate Change - Is CO2 the cause? - Pt 1 of 4

2 σχόλια:

Παπουτσάκης είπε...

“More ice in October in the Arctic & Antarctic than seen for many years ?”

Err … perhaps because the Antarctic ice is being calved from land/sea floating glaciers - due to WARMING.
Err … perhaps but the new Arctic ice is virgin THIN and one season’s ice will much more quickly melt come the Spring.

“ One sun spot or lack thereof does more to affect our climate than anything we puny little humans can dream up” and “Surely the Sun determines Earth's climate and affects temperature rather more than Man's best efforts”

- Yes but we are not creating energy we are creating the means for the Sun’s energy to be trapped by the Earth.

“You global warming scientist are so full of yourselves that you are doing a great dis-service to the rest of us. If I was as wrong as many times as you have been, and made the blunders you have made I would no long have my job”

- A classic ( in two ways ) - the climate is NOT the weather. The weather is merely the noise on the graph of climate. Weather is the Chaos of the Climate system. Oh and the classic “glass half empty” dig at weather forecasters ( IMHO ) says more about the sayer than the said. ( speaking as the said ).

“The first rule of statistical analysis is "Know Thy Data And Know It Well". It is painfully obvious that scientists who should know and obey this rule do not.
They have therefore relinquished their credibility.”

- So you are prepared to shoot the messenger ( he struggling with a fantastically complicated and unprecedented data-set and computational algorithms ) and put your head in the sand over the single most important threat facing the planet? Fantastic!

“Corrected temperature figures for America from NASA indicate that the hottest year in the 20th century was 1934, not in the 1990s” and “recent satellite figures from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration demonstrate no mean global warming since 1998. Indeed, the curve has flattened to below 1998 levels“.

Err this from … link

“The figure above shows 2007 temperature anomalies relative to the 1951-1980 base period mean. The global mean temperature anomaly, 0.57°C (about 1°F) warmer than the 1951-1980 mean, continues the strong warming trend of the past thirty years that has been confidently attributed to the effect of increasing human-made greenhouse gases (GHGs) (Hansen et al. 2007). The eight warmest years in the GISS record have all occurred since 1998, and the 14 warmest years in the record have all occurred since 1990. “

“The Global Warmists protect their collective ass by claiming that global warming is producing these seasonal anomalies. They're playing both ends against the middle. A lawyer's ploy detached from the truth”

- AS stated in an earlier post but here elaborated….

The greatest consequence of GW is that the polar regions warm the most. This in turn reduces the equatorial to pole temperature contrast which is in essence the jet-stream. As the jet-stream is weaker then it is more likely to wander and produce meridional waves and cut-off vortices. It is these that DO indeed produce more marked seasonal/geographical/temporal temperature/precipitation changes. …HENCE … and another QUOTE “The freezing Easter, rotten summer, and October snowfall in the UK will have worried many global warming (sorry- "climate change"- that covers any weather) devotees.” NO Paul it doesn’t because of the reason given above.

AS for Booker, the fact remains that he is no scientist and the Telegraph should not entertain such ignorant utterances from him or anyone else so unqualified to comment …. Unless of course they happen to be written by Jeremy Clarkson - who is similarly, and still spectacularly wrong on the subject. He is at least splendidly witty.

-Ex meteorologist of 32 years.

Παπουτσάκης είπε...

Interesting to see that many of the vitriolic comments from those supporting the delusion of MM global warming ( "climate change"... covers any weather) ie "Micheal" 1018 - can't even spell his own name- are written by people who have minimal literacy skills. Are they just "THICK" or desperately ill- educated?

Despite the "belief" of our politicians,there is most definitely not scientific agreement that Man is affecting climate.

The "beyond argument" line of the Labour Party is revealing re their contempt for us.

Climate does indeed change and has done over the life of Earth.

Many scientists, not on the payroll to "prove" MMGW dispute the causes of climate change (remember, climate has always changed, witness the growing of vines all over England pre 12th Century, in Roman times and before),yet the UN and those scientists paid by the Global Warming industry will not heed any argument, to the extent that some people are called "deniers" by those of feeble mind or Left-Wing persuasion.

Particulates cause more pollution than the much maligned CO2.

A single sustained volcanic eruption affects the climate more than a billion air flights ever could.

Many scientists absolutely disagree with the global warming alarmists. The Daily Telegraph - March 07- reported:

"Scientists who questioned mankind's impact on climate change have received death threats and claim to have been shunned by the scientific community.

"They say the debate on global warming has been "hijacked" by a powerful alliance of politicians, scientists and environmentalists who have stifled all questioning about the true environmental impact of carbon dioxide emissions..."

As David Bellamy wrote in The Times 22.10.07 ...

"I am happy to be branded a heretic because throughout history heretics have stood up against dogma based on the bigotry of vested interests.

"But I don’t like being smeared as a denier because deniers don’t believe in facts.

"The truth is that there are no facts that link the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide with imminent catastrophic global warming.

"Instead of facts, the advocates of man-made climate change trade in future scenarios based on complex and often unreliable computer models..."

Many are clearly part of the paid-up MMGW bandwagon who do not even consider that the UN and their "science" might be completely wrong - the new "Religion" has been on show for far too long.

Left-Wing doom-mongers seem to revel in the possibility of MMGW.

The global warming alarmists, the UN and the IPCC, and many politicians have wallowed in the possibility of MMGW, and, like Lemmings have all been quick to blame virtually any "weather" on climate change, and now forge ahead with the propaganda and the " beyond argument" line so beloved of dictators and Communists.

"Green" taxes and the IPCC could have a far greater impact on people and the current economic "climate" than the much maligned CO2(which is far less of a pollutant than Methane, released into the atmosphere by the World's cows causing six times as much pollution as cars do).

Already we can see the effects on food, and electricity prices caused by a lack of nuclear generation and massive "green" costs which we are all now paying for, in the vain, misguided and deluded belief that we are causing climate to change.

Climate does indeed change and has done over the life of Earth.

To believe that Man can alter this fact, whether negatively or positively, suggests extreme naivety or incredible pomposity.

The Sun effects climate change - Man, as Canute demonstrated, is puny against Nature.